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Chinese translation for "relief map"


Related Translations:
relief:  n.1.(难民、贫民等的)救助,救济,救护;救济品。2.(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻;【化学】减压。3.慰藉,安慰,安心;解闷,消遣。4.调班,换班,替换;替换者,接班者,接班兵;救援,解围;救兵,援兵;【军事】换防;接防部队。5.【电学】卸载;释放;【机械工程】放泄;离隙。6.〔委婉语〕性满足。短语和例子a relief fund 救济(基)金。 This medicin
relief television:  立体电视。
relief printing:  凸版印刷。
relief valve:  保险阀,安全阀。
high relief:  隆(浮)雕;隆(浮)雕刻品。
comedy relief:  【电影】穿插在紧张场面中的轻松镜头。
relief telescope:  【军事】体视望远镜。
comic relief:  comic relief = comedy relief.
inkind relief:  救济物资。
low relief:  半浮雕,浅浮雕(=bas-relief).
Example Sentences:
1.Today enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the atlantic to be drawn .
2.Representation of urban buildings using modified relief mapping
3.Application of gps rtk to survey relief map under water of zhaopingtai reservoir
4.Wash - off relief map
5.12 policarpo f , oliveira m m , comba j l d . real - time relief mapping on arbitrary polygonal surfaces . in proc
6.Today , enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the atlantic to be drawn and we know something of the great variety of the sea bed ' s topography
7.First , the basic principles of geometry rectification of digital aerial images and raster relief map are introduced and thus the accuracy of geometry rectification is improved
8.In this paper , the centenary changes of the area in the four - lake area were studied by interpreting on the water resources map , relief map and images of remote sensing supported by gis
9.Moreover , we introduce the ants system in bionics into grading mas system , try to study the abstract model of individual ant , the collective and the task and plot out the relief map and the process of solving the problem
10.By means of images processing of satellite , geometrical correction of images from uav rs system was accomplished by polynomial . in the processing of images of wuming in guangxi province , a set of scan large - scale relief maps were used
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